Four of our obstacles packed in crates are now sailing to Costa Rica to stand on the OCR World Championships 2024 course. Nearly 2 tons of cargo are crossing the ocean to attend the 2nd edition of this exceptional Obstacle Course Race event. We are so proud that it will take place with our involvement.

There’s still plenty of time until August. Why so quickly? Because earlier, in May, there is a race taking place there, which serves as a kind of test event before the championships – the Indian Race. Our obstacles will already serve there. And athletes from South America will have the chance to test their skills on them.

In May, we’ll give you a report from this race because we’re also heading there (we won’t leave our obstacles unattended 🙂

On the Championship course, you’ll meet:

  • our giant: HIGH TO LOW with ULTRA GRIP discs and balls – 8 lanes
  • challenging “Firefighter” – 6 lanes
  • floating wall – Cheesboards and Nets – 6 lanes
  • Wooden rotating wheels – 6 lanes

A new continent is just opening its doors to us. And we boldly move forward, building a global brand that supplies OCR equipment for all obstacle sports enthusiasts.